A-TIPIC is an organization, a living-together factory, which assists participatory housing projects by stepping in the fields of social engineering, assistance with contracting and with users.
WHAT IF participatory housing in France became bigger and bigger that it would reach an urban scale... Well, this is the goal of A-TIPIC, a well established organization considered as an expert in this innovative growing movement. They needed to have communication materials reflecting that and making them stand out from their new competitors. As their service isn’t very well understand from their different targets, part of the challenge consisted in reshaping the offer in a more understandable way for each of them. The other part was about finding a way to use the website as a tool to make the organization’s daily work easier.
A-TIPIC first reached out to ask if I could design their new communication tools as the organization was facing a new phase in its development. The previous material was visually outdated but most of all, didn't reflect the level of expertise and what the company was actually selling. After some initial talks, it became clear that we needed to start by doing a much bigger work : re-shaping the whole service and offer, as well as defining the brand identity and organizational needs.

The approach consisted in an array of tailor made workshops inspired by service design methods. First, the goal was to collect and analyse all the data available about the organization’s service and ecosystem from both the user and the organization’s perspectives. Then, co-create a solution with the client according to the desired goals we defined during that stage. Finally, translate the solution into an easy to understand and appealing format responding to both the users and organization needs.
THE right approach

Re-shaping a service for an organization assisting participatory housing projects